Spicy chicken metal band from Melbourne is how I, Valiance describe themselves...I describe them as frenzied, yet symphonic; heavenly yet hellish; to put it simply, take everything you love about any hardcore death metal you've ever heard and it might come close to the cacophonous crazy good sound these guys produce. Progressive & innovative, they are so far ahead of the pack in this genre, if you haven't heard them yet, you must've been hiding under a rock and must quickly remedy this! For band members Gabe Houben, Matias Morales, Krys Smith, David Freeland and last but not least, the mighty Vrillon, 2015 has been a massive year with their EP 'Reject of Humanity' being released in January, they have toured their home Australia relentlessly as well as being picked up on the bill for Melbourne's leg of the 'Soundwave' festival with some of the best in the business. They don't look like slowing down anytime soon either, with management confi...
A passionate sharer of new music, emerging local Australian artists & the music scene all over.