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Showing posts from October, 2017

PLANET - The Struggle for Support is real for Emerging Artists

Words of wisdom for every emerging artist from PLANET's Matty Took. I wanted to start a conversation about the reality of following your dreams in the music industry in Australia. We want young artists to understand these challenges a little better & know they are not alone in the struggle.  Your bio states that you had several years of trial and error in your songcrafting. What was the defining moment you found your rhythm and were happy about what you were producing? I feel like every band or musician starting off doesn't really know what “their sound is” or know what their vibe as a musician is when starting off. Especially when they throw themselves in the deep end at a younger age, without any ‘behind the scenes’ work and no label behind them. This was us, as we just started playing straight away. We’ve all played in a few different bands in our time so hundreds of songs have come in and out. Our defining moment was probably about 3 years ago when we start

Journey through Desire Path.

Talking with Yeo, I felt like I was chatting to a friend, he is humble and honest. We spoke about the themes intertwined in 'Desire Path' and how each collaboration came about. Your last album was really playful both in the music and the lyrics.  Listening to your new album ‘Desire Path’, I felt like a it’s journey through different relationships.  Yeah, I think even if the lyrics get really literal, music to me is based on emotion and emotions are kind of nothing without a relationship to give it context I feel. Well when you think about, it relationships rule our lives, whether it be a friendship, family or a work colleague they are always an influence; but I feel quite a few of these tracks are about love relationships? There’s a few on this album, and I haven’t done this for a while. The last album had a couple, but I feel like I got more honest on this one.  I agree, you have a great way with words and that draws me in to your music. I take an expression of human emo