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Showing posts from March, 2017

The Art of Rhyming with Kudos

"I find art in the details of everything...the little details..." When talking to lyrical mastermind Kudos, it's apparent this man immerses his mind in rhyme. From the day he was first shown Hip Hop music at the age of 12, he was inspired to give it a go. His brother helped him hone his writing skills, and his father to polish performance art. Adulthood brought the freedom of inclusion into the wider music scene and from there his world flourished into the professional nature of the industry. Having integrity to lyric was something taught early on, "What are you saying? You gotta say something." his brother taught him. This was important in forming the basis of knowledge to improve from just having a flow to move into that next level. When I asked Kudos where he drew his inspiration from, he explained that he was very blessed to be able to find inspiration from many things and being able to tie concepts together to intuitively to make magic. I ask...

The Heart of Irish Tradition Beats Strong.

I had no expectations as I took my seat in the stalls mid evening, the crowd shushing around me and the last few shufflers finding their chairs. After a warm welcome to the show with Plastic Fantastic opening the set, a beautiful rendition of Summerfly was performed by Katherine Allan. I say warm welcome because it felt as if I was sitting in on a big family reunion of sorts, where all were part of the extended family. The stage was set with simple yet stylish banners & lighting, and the Sasta musicians sat perched on their stools keen to get on with the show. A few introductions were made and then the traditional step dancing began. As the fiery, champion dancers took the floor, my breath was taken away by their remarkable talent. It was clear that the heart of tradition was beating strongly throughout this first set of the performance. The team performed in great gusto with traditional green velvet dresses for the ladies & a smart casual look for the guys, which...