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Showing posts from October, 2016

A Decade of Sun, Surf and Soul for the Sunshine Coast.

I sit watching the whales play with the salty air in my nostrils, as I listen to the grind of the coffee machine and the clink of cutlery I am reminded that I am starving hungry. It is the morning after the Caloundra Music Festival 2016, the 10th Anniversary event, and all morning my brain has been busily breaking down the humbling personal experiences and spectacular acts enjoyed over the last four busy days. Having attended the last nine CMF festival events I can confidently say it wasn't the very best one for me, however the quality of emerging artists was definitely the best I've seen at this particular event.    The calibre of emerging acts such as The Ruiins, The Swamp Stompers, Bearfoot, Pete Allan, Doolie and Dan Horne certainly raised some eyebrows and unquestionably got many toes tapping. Of course the headlining acts are always popular with the masses and I feel this year did not disappoint. The Preatures, Incognito, Tower of Power, Eric...

Treading Water with Pete Allan

So I met this guy Pete a couple of months back playing MC at a sweet, community live music event.. He struck me as humble yet hilarious, chilled yet profound and so passionate about his support for local, live, original music. This was before I knew him as Pete the groove master who had just released one of my fave new tunes. Sunny Coast dweller Pete has hit the daily grind on the head with 'Treading Water' and euphemisms for everyday stuff can be found in his new EP 'Ripples'. The culture entwined with Pete's music is simplistic integrity with a firm message of love and respect for humanity. Inspiring, uplifting, warm and chilled the messages reflect his respect for fellow humans and his beliefs that we all share this experience of life together. 'Ripples' is easy listening, sit under a pandanus with a pineapple juice filled coconut complete with Hawaiian swizzle stick goodness and with two tunes in the Triple J Unearthed charts, you know you want some...