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Showing posts from November, 2015

Chest Thumping Hard Rock & Blues - The Floors

The Floors massive sound gave the audience a powerful aural assault from the first drum beat. This live performance was one of the best I have seen in a while. Right from the get-go, this crowd copped a good ol' helping of west-side love that was LOUD! Hailing from Perth, The Floors are brothers Luke & Ryan Dux with Drummer Ash Doodkorte...they describe their sound "Like a steam train through your chest"...I describe it as having bold yet intricate bass that is so sexy it floors you;  skins tighter than your Nanna's purse strings and a great variety in showing influences spanning Blues, Rock and little punk. One of the more recent tracks, 'Join the Fight' I feel is aimed a little more at the radio audience as it is a little softer than their other material...that's not to say it's not good, I love it. Reminds me of Grinspoon & other such rock bands with guts. My fave release so far though is 'Built From Bones'. They site influ...

What's Your Top Tune This Year?

My favourite month of the year, Aus music month, has rolled around FINALLY and looking back on the superb quality of albums released this year it's going to be ... hard to pick only one that stands here are 2 that impressed me, which gets your vote? Currents, from Tame Impala is another superb example of the production talents of psychedelic multi instrumentalist Kevin Parker. It is an honest expression of love, all the emotions, conditions & expectations that come with it. I can't go past "The Less I Know The Better" as my RMC pick. Gang of Youths caught my attention very early in the year and thoroughly excited me, more in fact than any new comer has for some time. The Positions is the release of the year as far as I am concerned. Donnie, Joji, Jung and Maximus are such a tight unit, bringing together lyrical genius with Dave's vocal conviction. Each live show I have experienced has given me goose bumps...I love the stories told with each so...