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Backstage Brag with The Brains Trust

New Sunny Coast discovery talk to me about everything Brains Trust in a little 'Backstage Brag' session after the show.

Rellish: How did you all come together as The Brains Trust?
Brains Trust: It started out mid 2013 as two mates (Jonny Boinkin & Brett Orr) getting together remixing and creating some great music. Then one day, I (Jess Lean) sent an email through to Brett asking him to give his opinion on a i was working on with a school friend. It must have been alright because they invited me up to the studio to have a session. A few months rolled by and the songs just kept on coming I was later inducted into The Brains Trust under a big red lamp and the green chandeliers.
In January 2015, Brett was accepted into The Queensland Conservatorium of Music and unfortunately most of his time had to be dedicated to that. The timing was pretty bad because the phone had just started ringing crazy and the momentum had begun to grow naturally. Stopping was not an option so Jonny and I started digging and making some new beats on the sampler and had to come up with a plan to carry on. We came up with lyrics and melody lines for the tracks and called on some friends to help us get our shit together. Luckily one of those friends was Ed Ruben (badd ass keys player with an appetite for wonky tunes). Songs came together sweetly and we have recently asked Ed to Join TBT. He said Yes!!

Rellish: You have such a unique sassy sound, is this the creative culmination of everyone bringing their own little musical treat to the table?
Brains Trust: Most definitely, we all throw everything at it. In the end The production is always going to be similar, Always those banging swung beats, Always so much deep sub bass and the vocals -so in the end it always sounds like the brains trust

Rellish: You’ve been playing gigs as The Brains Trust for around 2 years now. In this time made so many great tunes. In this current incarnation just in the last 2 months you have created so many new beats already, are you considering an EP release anytime soon?
Brains Trust: Without a doubt there will be a release soon. Very soon in fact! ;) Maybe a cheeky single to begin with but most definitely a release of another kind is in the waterworks. 

Rellish: Along with getting comfortable with your new line up, what is your focus for the rest of 2015?
Brains Trust: Writing and developing the tracks are always a major focus, so that the performances are always growing and improving.
However the most important thing is the release of the first single. There's always a lot involved so all bases need to be covered before TBT unleash the beats. 

Rellish: If you could dream up your ideal festival line up, who would you have on the bill?
Brains Trust: The festival would run for weeks! Can we bring people back from the dead?
Where to begin ....So many!!
Flying lotus
Whitney Housten
The Roots
Robert Glasper
Snarky Puppy
RH Factor
Lauryn Hill
Bill Withers 
Stevie Wonder
Jesse J
Rellish: What has been TBT greatest achievement to date?
Brains Trust: Being able to perform our music! The Golden Days & Big Pineapple festivals were very exciting to play at. Playing on a private island was insane,and recently winning best new artist and the Caloundra Music Festival Prise for The Qube effect( brisbane city council)

Have a little peek here:

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